Crew Testimonials
Crew Testimonials
The Wellness Program has helped me by giving challenges/tasks to keep my mind, body in tip top shape. By doing the tasks that this program has provided, I feel more confident about my body, I can interact more with my crew which is a different nationality, I always keep my tabs with what I eat, […]
‘The Wellness Program has helped me by teaching me to: a. appreciate little things that i normally ignore. (like saying thank you. =) )b. do small little but consistent steps towards my life style change.c. have a resilient mind and be able to adapt to sudden change of situations.d. eat the right stuff. and the […]
The Wellness Program has helped me by becoming more serious with my health. I have come to realize that when i am healthy and fit, my output and productivity is at its best. I look better physically as well as psychologically. I really feel good within my self especially when i realized that my efforts […]
The Wellness Program helped me by strengthening my overall being especially by doing the mental health exercises. It was one of my highly liked exercises on the program. Mental health is important in keeping ourselves well composed most especially during this pandemic where in most of us are being distanced to one another. It is […]
In spot light awareness we had followed as per the work book which is very useful. We had given the right to choose their own partner after choosing the partner spot light awareness where conducted batch (two person only) by batch, by giving them a calm and a quiet place to talk. After we finished […]
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for this platform which has helped me in a way that I don’t believe was even possible. Being a smoker for the last 10 to 12 years I never had the feeling to quit smoking well thanks to the Strengthen Your Heart challenge and the […]
Many stories matter… stories can [sic] be used to empower, and to humanize.
We are proud to have taken home the Newcomer of The Year award from CrewConnect Global 2019. WellAtSea continues to motivate crew across the world on how to enhance their physical and mental well-being. We are happy to grow and share our work with the rest of the community.